
Sunday, March 6, 2016


Pea Island Life Saving Station and Crew. Pea Island, NC Circa 1890

I have decided to stop posting public content and plan to keep this site up as an archives. However, new content available via subscription to the free newsletter. If interested sign up by selecting News letter tab or below. 

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Whats your mode? Episode ii (VC-CMVd)

Image 1. Pressure limitation associated with dual targeting may reduce the incidence of premature cycling.

Episode two of "Whats your mode" VC-CMV with dual targeting is now finished and available to my news letter subscribers. To receive access to this video please sign up for my news letter at this link:

You can also access the the news letter link from the tab on the top of the page labeled "News letter".

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Building a Ventilator Simulator with Power Point

I worked on this project for a mobile app wire-frame three years ago and recorded the process (over 70 short videos) thinking someone else might want to use this technique. This technique is for anyone that has ever wanted to build a simulator however does not have a computer programming background. These videos demonstrate how to build a interactive operator interface for an mechanical ventilator using MS Power Point. These lessons can be applied to create simulators for education, presentations, mobile app prototyping, etc.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Whats Your Mode? Episode i

Image 1. Settings within "Volume Control" a VC-CMVs modality on the FLOW-i anesthesia Delivery system. All highlighted settings may affect patient comfort.

My first episode of my new video series is now available to my news letter subscribers.
I posted a teaser video on YouTube (see below). 

Note- if you signed up to receive my news letter and do not have it in your "in-box" please check your spam folder.

(a * next to the name indicates this video is only available to news letter subscribers)





PC-CSVi (Smart Care)*

To receive these extra videos please sign up for my free news letter by following the link on the page "News Letter". 

These videos have been conceived from the following two journal articles.  

I recommend reading both articles to obtain a deeper knowledge and appreciation for the different modes of mechanical ventilation. 


Targeting Scheme Intro

Targeting Scheme Post

Whats Your Mode?

Thursday, January 28, 2016

What’s Your Mode?

Happy 2016! This post is to inform readers on two topics related to this blog.


This year I will begin transitioning this blog and my YouTube page to a FREE email subscription based newsletter. Throughout the year I will continue to post content on the blog and brief videos on my YouTube page, however subscribers to my newsletter will receive additional content on the topics of mechanical ventilation and respiratory therapy (e.g. extended more detailed videos, PDF files, etc.).

After December 2016 no additional content will be posted here, however the blog & YouTube page will remain open as an archive.

Image 1. Ventilator Screen shot of Adaptive Support Ventilation, patient safety and comfort targets. 


I will be starting a new video series similar to ones I have already created (e.g. APRV, PC-CMV, Adaptive Pressure Control). The title of this series is “What’s your mode?”

This series will be comprised of approximately 18 videos providing operational transparency to the various modes of mechanical ventilation. I believe this is important because clinicians’ need to understand the boundaries of these modalities which is not always disclosed by the device manufacturer.

The video idea was conceived after reading I believe one of the most brilliant papers and theories on mechanical ventilation “A rational framework for selecting modes of mechanical ventilation” [1]. This paper questions why we use a specific ventilator mode and proposes selecting a mode based on the three central goals of mechanical ventilation; patient safety, patient comfort, and transitioning to liberation. The paper also introduces selecting a mode of mechanical ventilation based on mode capabilities and features to accomplish these goals.

Note- two evident things;

The mode has to be available on the ventilator in use.
The clinician has to be competent and know the capabilities and boundaries of a specific mode.  

If interested in receiving additional content please sign up for the News Letter below or on the page labeled “News Letter”.

CLICK LINK to Sign up